How can we help you with digitization and digital transformation?
We help you get started with your digital transformation and identify your future digital direction. We then support the formulation and execution of the digital strategy so that it makes sense for your organisation.
Successful digitization and data-driven growth also depends on the company’s competences, but which ones? We help you map the necessary resources and gear the organization for your digital journey. See i.a. our DIGIfinder™ tool.
Let us start with the very simple business mindset. We want to develop our current business model with new forms of sales, communication, better customer understanding, collaboration, optimized and synchronized workflows. Does it seem familiar?
Do you want to sell in new channels?
- Try working with e-commerce with your own webshop or third-party webshops, e.g. Matas or Amazon.
Do you want to be better communicating in existing or new channels?
- Try working with SoMe (Social Media), SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and SEM (Search Engine Marketing)
Do you want to streamline collaboration across (home) offices?
- Try working with DIGITAL WORKSPACE, e.g. software platforms for project management, planning, reporting, sales activities, customer service, marketing, etc.
Do you want to be better in understanding the customer, optimize workflows and processes or become better at forecasting?
- Try working with ANALYTICS, e.g. use of databases, machine learning, deep learning and other algorithms
Do you want a better overview and synchronization of workflows?
- Try working with the Internet of Things (sensors, RFID tags, etc)
Overview and digital readiness
- Business model: Uncovering the company’s current design and
- Strategy for digitization / automation of internal processes and market-oriented activities
Digital organizational and value system analysis
- Analysis of the company’s organizational design
- Analysis of the company’s digital resources, competencies and activities
- Analysis of the company’s alliances and value system
Digital marketing / presence
- Identification and analysis of offline and online marketing as well as digital presence
- Website analysis, organic traffic, paid traffic and competitors
- Identification of relevant digital and social media and their interactions
- Recommendations and plan for setting up and implementing digital marketing
Digital marketing and sales organization
- Analysis of the company’s marketing and sales organization and channels
- Identification and analysis of relevant marketing and sales activities and their interaction
- Udvikling af ny optimeret digital strategi for diagnostik-virksomheden PentaBase | KUNDECASE – PENTABASE FÅR DIGITAL STRATEGI MED DIGIFINDER
- Forretningsplan, pitch-decks og strategi for tiltrækning af kapital for SweetNorth, der producerer konfekture. KUNDECASE | SWEETNORTH / ÆRLI’s STRATEGI OG FORRETNINGSUDVIKLING
- Design og facilitering af workshop i samarbejde med projektets alliancepartnerne, for at sikre god fremdrift og en prioriteret slagplan frem mod lancering af det innovative DOT loftssytem. KUNDECASE | ALLIANCE WORKSHOP
- Opbygning og implementering af importør og distributør af medicinsk udstyr og sundhedsservices
- Udviklingplan med konkrete anbefalinger for organisationsudvikling samt identifikation af prioriterede vækstmuligheder for producent af lofter.
“Now a days it is well known that it is the company’s history and culture as well as the management’s mindset that stand in the way of getting started with digitizing and automating the organization’s trivial but resource-intensive tasks. Lots of money will be wasted on that account “
CBS' DataProfit Competence card: Status of your digital skills?
A successful digitization and data-driven growth depends on the company’s competencies, but which ones?
We work with 3 categories and 9 competencies. The categories and competencies are visualized in our DataProfit Competence Card, see figure below. It is used as a basis for assessing the company’s status and digital readiness, strategic decisions with action plans.
Basis (do we know the basics?)
- Data
- Analysis
- Permission
Organization (are we geared to develop on digital opportunities?)
- Strategy
- Business development
- Autonomy
Usage (how can we profit from data usage?)
- Optimization
- Cross-sales
- Upcycling
Figure. DataProfit Competence map
Our work is based on the BigDataBigBusiness research project in alliance with Professor Thomas Ritter, post.doc Carsten Pedersen and projektleder Christina Merolli Poulsen at Copenhagen Business School. The project is funded with € 1 mio by The Danish Industry Foundation.
Call or write to us for questions or the good offer
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