Kunderejsen / Customer Journey Mapping in Danish

EIBE CONSULTING has made Kunderejsen – a free Danish version of Customer Journey Mapping (CJM) , so you can start identifying relevant efforts that can improve your business. It can be printed in A4, A3 and A0 as required.

A mapping of the customer journey can, as in our example, consist of the following points: Persona, context, what the persona wants to have solved, stage/phase, persona’s touch surfaces, who delivers the service/product and our opportunities and barriers.

Business development
  • Persona: What is my customer like?
  • Context: What actions does the customer take? What is happening around the customer?
  • What does the customer want solved: What challenges and problems does the customer have that need to be solved?
  • Stage/phase: Where in the process is the customer?
  • The customer’s touch points: Where is the customer searching? Where does the customer meet your company?
  • Who delivers service/product: Us, partners, markets, digital platforms
  • Opportunities and barriers: What opportunities and barriers are there for your company and what can you do?

BACKGROUND for the customer journey

One of the reasons why we originally created the free Danish version of the Customer Journey Map was that it was not available in Danish and that we had recurring challenges with effectively using Business Model Canvas (BMC). Especially with customers and networks who missed out

  1. competences in and understanding of marketing and customer orientation and/or
  2. skills in analyzing and integrating the sub-elements of BMC meaningfully.

More active customer insight has been an excellent facilitator for integrating the sub-elements on the customer side (the right) in BMC.

Just take advantage of our Customer Journey Map and keep us informed about your experiences.

“It often helps to stand in the customer’s shoes to understand how our activities come together and work together.
EIBE CONSULTING uses the Customer Journey Map to facilitate further understanding of the customer’s situation – from the sales process to digital interaction”

Hans Eibe

Business Developer



  • Forretningsmodel: Afdækning af virksomhedens nuværende design
  • Vækststrategi: Identifikation og analyse af vækstmuligheder nationalt og internationalt
  • Strategi- og forretningsplaner for udvalgte vækstmuligheder
  • Strategi for digitalisering/automatisering af interne processer og markedsvendte aktiviteter (læs mere her)


  • Markedsdemografi, -behov og -udvikling
  • Konkurrencesituation: Hvor står markedet, kunder og konkurrenter
  • Målgruppevalg og positionering

Organisations- og værdisystemanalyse

  • Analyse af virksomhedens organisationsdesign
  • Analyse af virksomhedens ressourcer, kompetencer og aktiviteter
  • Analyse af virksomhedens alliancer og værdisystem

Salg- og marketinganalyser

  • Analyse af virksomhedens marketing- og salgsorganisation samt -kanaler
  • Identifikation og analyse af relevante marketing- og salgsaktiviteter og deres samspil
  • Identifikation og analyse af offline og online marketing samt digital tilstedeværelse (læs mere her)

With STRATfinder , we uncover your strategy and business model and come up with proposals for strategic, business or operational optimization measures.

With DIGIfinder™, we uncover your slow and cumbersome workflows and find the digital tools that increase your organizational efficiency.

With COMMfinder™, we uncover and convert your company’s DNA so that it is simple and understandable for your target groups.

Call or write to us for questions or the good offer

Vi kan fanges på mobil +45 4290 1800 eller growth@eibeconsulting.com